Hi there! My name is Fancy. My mom calls me miss "Fancy-Pants." I came from a kill-pen in Texas. I was there with my brothers and sisters. The humans say they aren't sure where I came from before that, or even what breed I am. I was at the kill-pen for a long time. No one came to get me, and they said I was going to "ship to slaughter." I was scared and sick and hungry, and all my siblings had gone away. I felt lost and lonely. Right before I was about to load onto the "slaughter truck," some other humans came to get me. They seemed like nice gentle humans. They said I was going to a place called "quarantine." The humans at "quarantine" were kind and gave me lots of yummy food. After a few weeks at "quarantine" I got on another trailer and took a very long trip to a place called Arizona. I was still sick when I got there and very thin, but I was in good spirits. This new place seemed nice and there were other horses there and a lot of good hay. I was still very skeptical of the humans and would not let anyone touch me (even though I was so curious about them!) After I was over my cold and had gotten used to my new home, I finally started to trust the humans. I let them put a "halter" on me and lead me around. And this nice man comes every so often to trim my feet. My mom says I am still quite young, so I spend most of my time eating and playing with my friends. I really like it here!
DOB: 2017
Height: 13hh
Breed: No idea (maybe a hackney pony cross or a standardbred cross)
Color: Dark bay
Gender: Mare