C.A.R.E. for Horses Foundation is a nonprofit corporation that has 501c3 status with the IRS - EIN: 84-4069519.
If you would like to become a C.A.R.E for Horses Foundation supporter, there are several ways to give. Please see the programs below for specific giving options. All donations are greatly appreciated! For volunteer opportunities, please fill out the Contact Form.
We also encourage you to attend our Transformational Communication Seminars, where we demonstrate our process for achieving connection and building trust and confidence in both the horse and handler.
Make checks payable to:
C.A.R.E. for Horses Foundation
9048 N Wealth Rd
Maricopa, AZ 85139
Monetary Donations
Sponsor a Horse
"You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one horse."
Sponsoring a horse is a super option for people who want to make a positive difference without the physical commitment of owning their own horse. Full sponsorpship is $300/mo, but you can sponsor a horse at any dollar amount. Donations can be made monthly or yearly.
Sponsor a Clinic
Do you want to choose the topic of one of our training clinics and/or be a part of it?
When you sponsor a clinic, that clinic becomes free to the public (we do ask attendees for a small donation).
Clinic sponsorships start at $500 and are typically a one time donation. However, you can choose to sponsor an annual clinic if you wish.
Other Donations
Donate Items
Donating items is a great way to support the C.A.R.E. for Horses family.
Consistent needs include fly related items (flyspray, flymasks) and grooming and vet supplies (Showsheen or Cowboy Magic, Betadine, Furasone, Coppertox).
Please Please Contact Us to find out what our specific needs are at the moment.